In this video you can see how to place properly a bolt into the rock.
Thirteen things climbers can do to prevent common problems on multi-pitch routes.
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Rock climbing is probably the most popular type of climbing. It can be learned in a day, done indoors or outdoors, and uses a relatively small amount of equipment. If you've always wondered what exactly is involved in rock climbing, here's a general overview. Types of Rock Climbing: Trad (traditional): WIth this type of climbing, the climber does not rely on following routes with pre-drilled holes that hold quickdraws to hook carabiners into...rather, he creates his own route up the rock, utilizing mental and physical skill.
Looking for a new climbing challenge? Try bouldering. It offers the chance to improve strength, endurance and stamina. Before you try it, check out these tips that are bound to help you make the most out of your bouldering experience. Starting out at a rock climbing gym is a good way to improve your bouldering skills before hitting the great outdoors.
Climbincrete has the honor to interview the oldest member and present(2006) president of the Alpine Club of Heraklion. Read and gain something! Also don't forget to see the unique photo collection of Ms Vassiliadou! A flashback in time does no harm!

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